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  • Prof. David Écija Fernández

    PhD: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
    Previous Position: Technical University of Munich, Germany
    Research: Nanoarchitectures on Surfaces
    ORCID: 0000-0002-8661-8295
    Researcher ID: I-2207-2012
    Joining Date: January 2014
    User Name: david.ecija
    Telephone: +34 91 299 88 55
    Écija Fernández

    Prof. David Écija is an expert in condensed matter physics, surface and molecular nanoscience. He received a PhD degree in Physics from UAM, with a work on self-assembly of nanostructures on surfaces. He was awarded a Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship and moved to Prof. Barth ́s group at the Technical University of Munich, where he carried out a four-year stay working on functional molecular nanoarchitectures on surfaces. In January 2014 he joined IMDEA Nanociencia as Researcher and “Ramon y Cajal” fellow to develop nanomaterials on surfaces. Notably, he is the recipient of the ERC 2018 Consolidator Grant (ELECNANO). Since May 2019, he is Research Professor at IMDEA Nanociencia (tenured).

    Research Lines

    Our group is focused on the visualization and understanding of physico-chemical processes on surfaces, including three main lines of research: 

    • Design of surface-confined metal-organic materials. Our main interest is to rationalize the coordination chemistry of functional metals on surfaces, creating unique architectures with advanced functionalities for sensing, catalysis, light emission, nanomagnetism and quantum information.  
    • On-surface synthesis of functional nanomaterials. We focus on the exploration of unprecedented chemical reactions aiming at the design of novel 1D or 2D soft materials, envisioning impact in optoelectronics, carbon magnetism and quantum information.
    • Nanocatalysts for energy applications. We pursue the on-surface design and atomistic characterization of metal-oxide, metal-organic or purely organic nanocatalysts of relevance for energy related applications, like water splitting or CO2 reduction.
  • Dr. Koen Lauwaet

    Research: Nanoarchitectonics on Surfaces
    ORCID: 0000-0003-1024-6779
    Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=BZtKg_UAAAAJ
    Joining Date: October 2017
    User Name: koen.lauwaet
    Telephone: 8797

    Koen Lauwaet, a physicist with a decade of experience in experimental research, specializes in designing and optimizing setups. Proficient in Python and LabVIEW, he's contributed to cutting-edge projects like the Photon-STM lab, the nc-AFM lab,  and the STARDUST machine. Skilled in troubleshooting and analysis, he leads technical aspects at IMDEA Nanociencia, integrating data gathering and analysis. With a Doctorate from K.U.Leuven and a penchant for lifelong learning, Koen's work spans surface science, instrumentation, and data analysis.

  • Dr. José Ignacio Urgel Tendero

    PhD: Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
    Previous Position: Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland
    Research: On-surface Synthesis of Carbon-based Nanostructures
    ORCID: 0000-0001-7608-2979
    Joining Date: October 2019
    User Name: jose-ignacio.urgel
    Urgel Tendero

    Ignacio Urgel holds a MSc in chemistry from Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (UAH) and a MSc in material engineering from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). In 2016, he completed his PhD at the Technical University of Munich (TUM, Germany). Afterwards, he joined to the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science and Technology (EMPA, Switzerland) as a postdoctoral researcher for 3.5 years, where he became an expert in on-surface chemistry. In October 2019, he joined the Nanoarchitectonics on Surfaces group at IMDEA Nanociencia (Spain) as a researcher after obtaining several scholarships: Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (MSCA-IF), Comunidad de Madrid (CAM) Fellowship for young talents (declined after the first year in favor of the MSCA-IF) and the Juan de la Cierva incorporación Fellowship (JdCI) granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (declined in favor of the CAM). His technical skills are related to several ultra-high vacuum (UHV) surface science techniques such as low-temperature scanning probe microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS, nc-AFM) and photoelectron spectroscopy (including experience in synchrotron facilities).

    Research Lines

    Ignacio Urgel's main research interest at IMDEA Nanociencia is dedicated to the on-surface synthesis of atomically precise synthetic carbon-based nanostructures (SCNs). More specifically, he investigates novel nanographenes (NGs) and covalently linked organic polymers (CPs), with prospects in organic electronics. The fabrication and characterization of such SCNs on surfaces, often hampered under conventional solution chemistry due to their low solubility and high reactivity, provide a novel route to study their unique structural, electronic and magnetic properties, enabling completely new functionalities. The final goal of his research topic is the fabrication of prototype field effect transistors based on CPs, which will suppose a great achievement by introducing NG/CP-FETs to the next-generation of flexible organic electronics. Along the way, he will profoundly study the chemical stability and the transfer of such SCNs from the necessary metallic substrate to a technologically relevant one.

    For further details, please feel free to visit: https://scanlab.es/

  • Dra. Sofia de Oliveira Parreiras

    Research: Nanoarchitectonics on Surfaces
    Joining Date: May, 2019
    User Name: sofia.oliveira
    de Oliveira Parreiras
  • Dra. Ana Isabel Barragán Durán

    Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
    Research: Nanoarchitectonics on Surfaces
    Joining Date: January 2023
    User Name: ana.barragan
    Barragán Durán
  • Dr. Aurelio Gallardo Caparros

    Previous Position: 2017 – 2022. Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Ph.D. Student.
    Research: Nanoarchitectonics on Surfaces
    ORCID: 0000-0001-6544-7637
    Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=gNj9stQAAAAJ&hl=en
    Joining Date: December 2022
    User Name: aurelio.gallardo
    Gallardo Caparros

    Aurelio Gallardo is a postdoctoral researcher whose work focuses on the theoretical characterization of low dimensional nanostructures. Among his work, two main topics could be highlighted, the characterization of chemical reactions occurring on the surfaces of solids and the theoretical characterization of the imaging mechanism of the scanning probe microscopy (SPM).Dr. Aurelio Gallardo has joined the Group of David Ecija with the aim of combining the computational tools he is bringing to IMDEA with the top-of-the-line experimental work developed by the group of Nanoarchitectonics on Surfaces. This synergy intends to contribute to the development of the computational tools at use, thanks to the possibility of bidirectional feedback between the experimental and theoretical efforts, while contributing to the designing of the experiments to perform and the interpretation of the obtained results.

    Research Lines

    Aurelio Gallardo is a postdoctoral researcher whose work focuses on the theoretical characterization of low dimensional nanostructures, in close collaboration with various experimental teams.

    He obtained his bachelor’s degree in physics at the University of Granada, where he also obtained his master's degree with the specialty in theoretical and experimental approach to nanostructured materials. During these studies, he started to work with DFT approaches to study 2D materials, under the supervision of Dr. Blanca Biel.

    Later, he obtained his PhD in physics at the Charles university in Prague (Czech Republic) with a work on the Theoretical study of charge states in molecular nanostructures on surfaces, performing his research at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU of the CAS), under the supervision of Prof. Pavel Jelínek.

    After his studies, he joined the group of David Écija at IMDEA Nanociencia in 2022, in 2023 he was granted a “Juan de la Cierva” postdoctoral fellowship to continue his work in the mentioned group and MSCA-IDEAL postdoctoral scholarship.

    Relevant publications

    K. Biswas, J. Janeiro, A. Gallardo, M. Lozano, A. Barragán, B. Álvarez, D. Soler-Polo, O. Stetsovych, A. Pinar Solé, K. Lauwaet, J. M. Gallego, D. Pérez, R. Miranda, J. I Urgel, P. Jelínek, D. Peña, D. Écija; Designing highly delocalized solitons by harnessing the structural parity of π-conjugated polymers, Nature Synthesis https://doi.org/10.1038/s44160-024-00665-8 (2024)

    N. Oinonen, A. Yakutovich, A. Gallardo, M. Ondráček, P. Hapala, O. Krejčí; Advancing scanning probe microscopy simulations: A decade of development in probe-particle models. Computer Physics Communications, 109341 (2024).B. Mallada†, A. Gallardo†, M. Lamanec†, B. de la Torre, V. Špirko, P. Hobza, P. Jelinek; Real-space imaging of anisotropic charge of -hole by means of Kelvin probe force microscopy. Science, 374, 863-867, (2021).

  • Elena Pérez Elvira

    Research: Nanoarchitectonics on Surfaces
    Joining Date: February 2021
    User Name: elena.perezelvira
    Pérez Elvira
  • Shanmugasibi Kotapalayam Mathialagan

    Research: Nanoarchitectonics on Surfaces
    Joining Date: April 2021
    User Name: kotapalayam.mathialagan
    Kotapalayam Mathialagan
  • Lenka Černá

    Research: Nanoarchitectonics on Surfaces
    Joining Date: October 2023
    User Name: lenka.cerna
  • Alba García Frutos

    Research: Nanoarchitectonics on Surfaces
    Joining Date: February 2024
    User Name: alba.gfrutos
    García Frutos
  • Gouri Sahoo

    Research: Nanoarchitectonics at Surfaces
    Joining Date: July 2024
    User Name: gouri.sahoo
  • Alberto Martínez Bajo

    Research: Nanoarchitectonics on Surfaces
    Joining Date: October 2024
    User Name: alberto.martinez
    Martínez Bajo


Dr. José M. Gallego

 jose gallego  

     Position: Associated Researcher (Mixed Unit CSIC-IMDEA Nanociencia, Tenured)

     Research: Nanoarchitectonics at Surfaces

     Group webpageNanoarchitectonics at Surfaces

     Group webpage at ICMMhttps://www.icmm.csic.es/index.php/en/gallego-vazquez-jose-maria

     User Name: josemaria.gallego




  • Dr. Kalyan Biswas, PhD 2023 at IMDEA.
  • Dr. Cristina Martín Fuentes, PhD 2022 at IMDEA.
  • Dr. Daniel Moreno Cerrada. PhD 2021 at IMDEA
  • Sibi Mathialagan. Master thesis. 2020. IMDEA.
  • Dr. Ana Sánchez Grande. PhD 2020 at IMDEA.
  • Dr. José Ignacio Urgel. Postdoc 2019-2022. MC Fellow. IMDEA.
  • Dr. Sofía de Oliveiras Parreiras. Postdoc 2019-. MC Fellow. IMDEA.
  • Dr. Christin Davis. Talento I. Postdoc. 2019-2020. IMDEA.
  • Dr. Cristina Martín Fuentes. Master thesis. 2018. IMDEA
  • Dr. Esther Carrasco Burgos. Postdoc 2017-2020, A-LEAF, IMDEA.
  • Laura González. Master thesis 2016. IMDEA.
  • Jesús Matarrubias. Master tesis 2015. IMDEA.
  • Dr. Borja Cirera Salinas. PhD 2016 at IMDEA.
  • Dr. José Ignacio Urgel. PhD 2016 at TUM.
  • Dr. Saranyan Vijagaravhan. PhD 2014 at TUM
  • The late Mr. Julius Rombach. Master thesis 2014 at TUM.
  • Dr. Felix Bischoff. Master thesis 2011 at TUM.
  • Dr. Niveditha Samudrala. Bachelor thesis 2010 at TUM.