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María del Valle
Palomo Ruiz
Research: Biosensors in Neuroscience
ORCID: 0000-0002-1473-4086
Researcher ID: N-2932-2016
Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=fSrHIrsAAAAJ
Joining Date: August 2021
User Name: valle.palomo
Telephone: +34 91 299 8849
Valle Palomo obtained her BSc in Chemistry in 2008 and in that year she joined the Medicinal Chemistry Institute at CSIC with Prof. A. Martínez and C. Gil to develop neurogenic and neuroprotective drugs for neurodegenerative diseases. In 2012 she obtained her PhD and in 2013 she joined The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla with Prof. P. Dawson. She focussed in the development of Quantum Dot nanoparticles and peptide synthesis and conjugation. In 2016 she returned to Spain as Juan de la Cierva fellow at the Centre for Biological research from CSIC. In 2018, she established her own research group thanks to a Junior Leader fellowship from la Caixa. In 2021, she moved her lab to IMDEA Nanociencia, thanks to Ramon y Cajal fellowship, and is now head of the lab of Biosensors in Neuroscience.
Fernández Gómez
Double Affiliation: Biosensors in Neuroscience
Joining Date: September 2021
User Name: paula.fernandez
Telephone: 91 299 8849
Paula Fernandez studied Biology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She obtained her master’s degree in ‘Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine’ in the same university. She has been working Sclerosis Lateral Amiotrophic (ALS) since her final degree project in CSIC. Currently she is a PhD student at IMDEA Nanociencia, focusing her research in nanoneuroscience using quantum dots.
Jesús Alejandro
Bueso de Barrio
Research: Biosensors in Neuroscience
Joining Date: February, 2023
User Name: jesus.bueso
Telephone: 91 299 8849
Jesús Alejandro Bueso de Barrio studied Biotechnology at the Technical University of Madrid. He obtained a Master's degree in Nanobiotechnology at the Aalborg University. During his master's thesis he worked under the supervision of Dr. Valle Palomo focusing on the characterization of extracellular vesicles in cellular models of ALS patients as well as their modulation upon pharmacological treatment. Currently, he is a PhD student at IMDEA Nanoscience focusing his research on extracellular vesicles and biosensing nanoparticles.
Pérez de la Lastra Aranda
Research: Biosensors in Neuroscience
Joining Date: March 2023
User Name: carmen.pdelalastra
Telephone: 91 299 8849
Carmen Pérez de la Lastra studied Chemistry at the Universidad de Córdoba. She obtained a Master degree in “Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine” at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She carried out her master thesis under the supervision of Valle Palomo and currently she is working on developing tools of characterization of protein aggregates and extracellular vesicles in cellular models of ALS patients.
Marion Sandra
Le Meur
Research: Biosensors in neuroscience
Joining Date: November 2023
User Name: marion.lemeur
Telephone: 8849
Marion Le Meur studied pharmacy at the University of Rennes (France) and she simultaneously obtained a MSc in Pharmaceutics at the Paris Cité University (France). Her master’s thesis was conducted at the University of Montreal (Canada) and focused on the development of solid lipid nanoparticles for the oral delivery of a drug candidate for phase II clinical trials. Currently, she is pursuing a PhD at IMDEA Nanociencia, working on the development of multi-functionalized nano-drug delivery systems to target circadian clock dysfunctions in Alzheimer’s disease, as part of the European project TClock4AD.
París Oyagar
Research: Biosensors in Neuroscience
Joining Date: January 2024
User Name: rebeca.paris
Telephone: 8849
Rebeca París studied Chemistry at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She obtained her master’s degree in ‘Drug Discovery’ at the same university. She has been working in Microtubule Stabilizing Agents and biosensors in CIB, CSIC. Currently, she is a PhD student at CIB, CSIC and IMDEA Nanociencia, focusing her research in the study of the cytoskeleton targeted to nanoneuroscience using Quantum Dots as main tools for biosensoring.
Marugán Gomez
Research: Biosensors in Neuroscience
Joining Date: June 2023
User Name: tania.marugan
Telephone: 91 299 8849
Tania Marugán Gómez studied clinical and biomedical laboratory technical speciality. She obtained her degree in 2021 and has worked since finishing her studies in a clinical diagnostic center. Now she is improving her knowledge in research. In June 2023 Tania has started at IMDEA Nanociencia supporting the Biosensors in Neuroscience Laboratory directed by Valle Palomo, providing technical assistance.
Vanesa Nozal (PhD researcher) - current position: postdoctoral researcher at University of Antwerp.
Carlota Tosat (PhD researcher) - current position: postdoctoral researcher at Ionis Pharmaceuticals.
- Alicia Avis Bodas (BSc in Biochemistry at UCM).
- Óscar Gutiérrez Jiménez (BSc in Biology at UCM).
- Carlos Santos Mayo (BSc in Biomedical Engineering at UC3M).
- Carmen Campanario (BSc in Chemistry at UCM).
- Isabel Barrena Gallarado (BSc in Biochemistry at UCM).
- Isabel Delgado Peña (BSc in Chemistry at UCM).
- Nerea Baños (BSc in Pharmacy at UCM).
- Jan Pfeiffer (BSc in Biomedical Sciences at Utrecht University).
- Claudia Coronel Rodrigo (BSc in Biotechnology at UE).
- Alicia Cano Hernández (MSc Biotechnology at UAM).
- Ana García Rubio (BSc in Biotechnology at UPM).
- Jacobo Llavona Pastor (BSc in Chemistry at UAM).