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Position: Junior Principal Investigator
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Telephone no.: +34 91 299 8838/8854
Alejandro López obtained his BSc (2011) from the Universidad de Salamanca. In September 2012 he joined the group of Prof. Emilio Pérez at IMDEA Nanoscience and he obtained his MSc from UNED in 2014. In 2015 he carried out also a predoctoral stay at the CNR-Istituto Nanoscienze in Lecce, Italy working under the supervision of Professor Dario Pisignano on the preparation of polymeric fibers. In January 2017 he obtained his Ph.D. Then he joined the group of Prof. Naoki Komatsu at Kyoto University as a JSPS postdoctoral working on supramolecular chemistry and exohedral functionalization of carbon nanostructures. In July 2019 he joined Dr. Gimenez-López´s group at CIQUS (Santiago de Compostela) to work in the controlled assembly in complex functional carbon nanostructures. In September 2019 he received a Juan de la Cierva fellowship. Currently, he is a Postdoctoral researcher at IMDEA with Prof. Emilio M. Pérez.
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Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
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Telephone no.: +34 91 299 8838
Natalia Martín Sabanés obtained her Bachelor degree in Physics in 2011 at the Autónoma University of Madrid. She worked in the Spanish National Center of Cardiovascular Research for her master thesis, in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and obtained her master degree in 2013 in Biomedical Physics. She moved to Mainz (Germany) to work as a PhD in the group of Katrin Domke and Mischa Bonn in Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research. Her PhD thesis consisted of developing a tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy setup able to operate under electrochemical conditions. After getting her PhD in Chemistry in 2017, she moved to Berlin as a postdoc in Fritz Haber Institute, where she worked on the development of a THz-gated Scanning tunneling microscope in the group of Melanie Müller and Martin Wolf.
Natalia has specialized in near-field techniques and setup development, in particular merging scanning probe microscopy and different optical techniques for the investigation of physico-chemical processes and ultrafast dynamics in the nano-scale.
In 2020, she got a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship and moved to IMDEAnano to develop her new project in the field of near-field Raman spectroscopy and optical tweezers.
Dra. Marina Garrido
Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
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Telephone no.: +34 91 299 8838
Marina Garrido Serrano obtained her PhD in 2017 at the University Complutense of Madrid (Spain), under the supervision of Prof. Nazario Martín and Prof. Mª Ángeles Herranz, working on the non-covalent functionalization of graphene with different electroactive systems. After getting her PhD in Organic Chemistry, she joined the group of Prof. Prato at the University of Trieste (Italy) as Postdoctoral researcher, where she worked on the exfoliation, functionalization and characterization of 2D and nanomaterials.
Currently, she is a Postdoctoral researcher at IMDEA Nanociencia in the group of Prof. Emilio M. Pérez, where she is working on the development of new strategies for the functionalization of different 2D materials.
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Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
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Telephone no.: +34 91 299 8838
Gloria Tobajas Curiel graduated with a Pharmacy degree (MPharm) from Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 2015, which was followed by an MSc in Drug Discovery where she worked on the synthesis of small molecules structurally related to natural polyphenols at Instituto de Química Médica (IQM-CSIC). Prior to the beginning of her PhD, she was awarded a fellowship sponsored by Fundación Universidad-Empresa (FUE) to join Janssen Pharma as a medicinal chemist. Between 2018-2023, she carried out her PhD studies in the group of Chris Hunter at the University of Cambridge where she investigated non-covalent interactions in synthetic and biological systems.
Gloria’s current research interests lie in the understanding of the relationship between structure and function in chemistry, biology, and material sciences through the systematic study of molecular recognition. In late 2023, she joined the group of Emilio Pérez at IMDEA Nanociencia as a postdoctoral researcher to work on the characterisation of non-covalent chemistries under non-equilibrium conditions using single-molecule force spectroscopy techniques.
Ramiro Quirós
Position: PhD student
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Telephone no.: +34 91 299 8838
Ramiro Quirós studied Chemistry at the University of Oviedo (Spain), beginning his investigational career working with transition metal catalysis. He then moved to the Autonomous University of Madrid to study a Master's programme focused on the investigation in Organic Chemistry, where he worked with heterogeneous catalysts based on graphene derivatives and transition metals. Currently, he is a Ph.D. student in the Laboratory for Chemistry of Low-Dimensional Materials at IMDEA Nanoscience.
Ion Isasti
Position: PhD student
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Telephone no.: +34 91 299 8832
Ion Isasti Iribar studied Chemistry at the University of the Basque Country of San Sebastian.
In his last year of the degree he began to take his first steps as a researcher in the Polymers and Advanced Materials department for the completion of the final degree project directed by Pedro Maria Remiro Montoya. After completing the degree, he completed the Master of High Specialization of Polymers and Rubber at the Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (CSIC) in Madrid. During the master's degree he did his final degree project under the command of Juan López Valentín from the Elastomers Group.
Currently, he is a Ph.D. student in the Laboratory for Chemistry of Low-Dimensional Materials at IMDEA Nanoscience.
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Position: PhD student
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Telephone no.: +34 91 299 8832
Dean Milanović obtained his BSc Degree in Chemistry from the University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in 2020. In 2023, he obtained his MSc Degree at the same university, focusing on Environmental Science under the supervision of Prof. Pero Dugić. Alongside his studies, he worked for one year as a Chemical Analyst at the Public Health Institute of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and briefly joined the Maulide group at the University of Vienna (Austria), where he gained experience in organic synthesis.
Currently, he is a PhD student at IMDEA Nanociencia, working in the group of Emilio Pérez, researching the interactions between chiral molecules and chiral nanotubes.
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Position: PhD student
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Telephone no.: +34 91 299 8838
David Jiménez Merino obtained his bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2022. During his undergraduate years, he dove into research during an internship at the Material Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC) under the guidance of Dr. Bernd Wicklein and Dr. Pilar Aranda, where he explored the fabrication of polymeric films with dielectric materials for the development of triboelectric nanogenerators. Afterwards, he pursued a Master's degree in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at Autonomous University of Madrid (2023) where he developed his master’s final project under the supervision of Prof. Emilio M. Pérez, focused on the functionalization of carbon nanotubes.
Currently, he continues as a PhD student in the Chemistry of Low-Dimensional Materials group at IMDEA Nanoscience.
Ignacio Ramos Aranda
Position: PhD student
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Telephone no.: +34 91 299 8832
Ignacio Ramos Aranda obtained his bachelor’s and master´s degree in organic chemistry at Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 2022 and 2023 respectively. In his last year of degree, he began to take his first steps as a researcher in the group of Laura Peponi at the Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (CSIC) in Madrid. Ignacio worked during his bachelor´s and master´s thesis in the Organic Molecular Materials group directed by Prof. Nazario Martin, in the UCM. The topic of his thesis was synthesis and study of molecular nanographenes.
Currently, he is a Ph.D. student in the Chemistry of Low-Dimensional Materials group, headed by Dr. Emilio M. Pérez at IMDEA Nanociencia.
Dra. Zulay Pardo
Position: Instrumental Scientist
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Telephone no.: +34 91 299 8721
Zulay D. Pardo-Botero obtained a B.S in Chemistry in 2006 from Universidad del Valle (Colombia). Then, she moved to Madrid where she enrolled at Universidad Complutense de Madrid and received a M.S. in Organic Synthesis in 2009 and a Ph.D. in 2014. She joined the group of Prof. Antonio Herrera and Roberto Martínez-Álvarez where her work was focused on the development and optimization of ultrafast NMR pulse sequences, to monitor organic reactions in real-time. Additionally, in 2010 she was a visiting scholar at The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel under the guidance of Prof. Lucio Frydman.
In 2016, she joined IMDEA Nanociencia as an Instrument Scientist responsible for the NMR Service and Chemical Facilities for Molecular Analysis and Characterization Laboratory. Currently, she is also in charge of the implementation of a Quality Management System based on ISO 9001:2015 at the Nanomaterials Characterization Service under the guidance of Prof. Emilio M. Pérez.
Dra. Silvia Miranda
Position: Researcher Staff
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Telephone no.: +34 91 299 8832
Silvia Miranda obtained her bachelor and master degree in Organic Chemistry at Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). During this period, she joined the group of Prof. Antonio Garcia Martinez where she has acquired experience in the field of organic synthesis. Particularly, she has synthesized chiral ligands to perform asymmetric catalysis. In 2019, She received her PhD in Organic Chemistry from University of Alcala, Spain. She worked under the direction of Drs. José Cristóbal López and Ana María Gómez (CSIC), where her work thesis focused in a carbohydrate chemistry area; paying special attention to the development of new methodologies in organic synthesis. In summer on 2013, she carried through a short stay in University of Bristol for 3 months, under the supervision of Dr. Carmen Galán.
Currently, She is part of Dr. Emilio Pérez's “Low Dimensional Materials Chemistry” group to contribute her experience in organic synthesis, developing and supporting different synthetic projects.
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Position: Specialized Technician
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Telephone no.: +34 91 299 8832
Sylwia Parzyszek obtained a certificate as a chemical analyst technician from Technical School No. 4 in Puławy, Poland, in 2012. She later earned her MSc in Chemistry from the University of Warsaw in 2017, where she worked in Prof. Andrzej Kudelski's group, developing metallic nanomaterials as SERS surfaces. She completed research internships at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the University of Porto in Portugal.
In 2024, she obtained a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of Warsaw under the supervision of Prof. Wiktor Lewandowski and Prof. Damian Pociecha. Her research focused on the reversible self-assembly of semiconductor nanocrystals with liquid-crystalline matrices for macroscale polarized light emission.
In 2023, Sylwia joined Dr. Emilio M. Pérez's group at the IMDEA Nanoscience Institute, working in the Laboratory for Chemistry of Low-Dimensional Materials.
Cristina Arenas
Position: Chemical Laboratory and Instrumentation Analysis Technician
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Telephone no.: +34 91 299 8868
Cristina Arenas obtained her Higher Technical Certificate in Chemical Laboratory of Analysis and Quality Control at Lope de Vega institute of Madrid (Spain) in 2017. She also studied Intermediate Degree of Chemical Laboratory at the same institution and she graduated in 2014. She performed the mandatory field work at Research Center of CEPSA Química in Alcalá de Henares (Spain), where she developed the optimization of the oil extraction in the petrochemical laboratory, and at the ALKEMI S.A. in the chemical and microbiological analysis and quality control department in Coslada (Spain), pharmaceutical and organic and inorganics products quality tests analysis.
Currently, she is working as Chemical Laboratory and Instrumentation Analysis Technician in IMDEA Nanoscience.
Dra. M. Mar Bernal (Postdoc 2012-2014)
Dr. Prabhash Mishra (Postdoc 2014)
Dra. María Soria (Postdoc 2014-2016)
Dr. Alejandro López-Moreno (PhD 2012-2016)
Dr. Alberto de Juan (PhD 2012-2016)
Dra. Sofía Leret (PhD 2013-2017)
Dra. Belén Nieto-Ortega (Postdoc 2015-2017)
Dr. Matías Blanco (Postdoc 2016-2017)
Dr. Emerson Giovanelli (Postdoc 2014-2017)
Dra. Teresa Naranjo (PhD 2014-2018)
Dra. Leire de Juan (PhD 2014-2018)
Dra. Amalia Rapakousiou (Postdoc 2017-2018)
Prof. Eric Anglaret (Visiting Professor 2019)
Dr. Mariano Vera (PhD 2016-2020)
Dra. Julia Villalva (PhD 2016-2020)
Dra. Sofía Mena (PhD 2015-2019)
Dr. Wei Xu (Postdoc 2019-2020)
Dr. Wanzheng Zhang (Postdoc 2019-2020)
Dra. Samara Medina (Postdoc 2021)
Dr. Manuel Vázquez Sulleiro (Postdoc 2018-2021)
Dra. Marta González Sánchez (Postdoc 2022)
Dra. Maria de Lourdes González-Juarez (Postdoc 2021-2023)
Dr. Matthew (Postdoc 2020-2023)
Dra. Marisol Rivas (Postdoc 2021-2023)
Dra. Sara Moreno Da Silva (PhD 2019-2023)
Dra. Carmen García López (Postdoc 2022-2024)
Dra. Alicia Naranjo Chacón (Postdoc 2019-2024)