Dra. Sara Hernández Mejías
Sara Hernández finished her BSc in Physics awarded by the University of the Basque Country (UPV, Spain) in 2011 and her MSc in biophysics awarded by Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM, Spain) in 2012. She obtained her PhD in Biophysics in 2016 supervised by Prof. Cortajarena developing nanostructured photo- and electro-active materials based on encoded protein self-assembly of engineered proteins. From 2016 to 2022, she performed her postdoctoral studies at international laboratories in the Netherlands, Sweden, and Spain supported by fellowships like Carl Tryggers Foundation research grant (Sweden) and Programa de Atracción de Talento (Spain). During her postdoctoral research, she focused on studying photoinduced processes in synthetic photosystems and deepen her experience in laser and pump-probe spectroscopy. In 2022, she launched her independent career at IMDEA Nanociencia with a 'la Caixa' Junior Leader grant and established her research group.