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European and International Programmes


Pillar I: Excellent Science

European Research Council

ERC Starting Grant

Deadline: 15 October 2024

ERC Synergy Grant

Deadline: 6 November 2024

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions

Doctoral networks

Deadline: 27 November 2024

Research Infrastructures

No expected calls

Pillar II: Global Challenges & European Industrial Competitiveness


Civil Security for Society

Digital, Industry and Space

Climate, Energy and Mobility

Food, bioeconomy natural resources, agriculture and environment

Pillar III: Innovative Europe

European Innovation Council

EIC Pathfinder Challenges

Deadline: 16 October 2024


Work Programmes

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions  Climate, energy and mobility 
Research Infrastructures Food, bioeconomy natural resources, agriculture and environment 
Health  European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE)
Civil Security for Society European Innovation Council (EIC)  2024
Digital, Industry and Space  New! European Research Council (ERC) 2025
Programme Guide - Horizon Europe Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2021-2024 

Source: European Commission

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  • COST: European Cooperation in Science and Technology
  • ESA: European Space Agency
  • IMI: Innovative Medicines Initiative
  • LIFE: EU’s funding instrument for the environment
  • EMPIR: European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research
  • EEN: Enterprise Europe Network
  • Erasmus+