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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Dr. Alejandro López Moreno

Position: Assistant Researcher (tenure track)
Research: Chemistry of Low-Dimensional Materials
ORCID: 0000-0001-5620-6129
Joining Date: January 2021
User Name: alejandro.lopezmoreno
Telephone: 8838/8854
López Moreno

Alejandro López obtained his BSc (2011) from the Universidad de Salamanca. In September 2012 he joined the group of Prof. Emilio Pérez at IMDEA Nanoscience and he obtained his MSc from UNED in 2014. In 2015 he carried out also a predoctoral stay at the CNR-Istituto Nanoscienze in Lecce, Italy working under the supervision of Professor Dario Pisignano on the preparation of polymeric fibers. In January 2017 he obtained his Ph.D. Then he joined the group of Prof. Naoki Komatsu at Kyoto University as a JSPS postdoctoral working on supramolecular chemistry and exohedral functionalization of carbon nanostructures. In July 2019 he joined Dr. Gimenez-López´s group at CIQUS (Santiago de Compostela) to work in the controlled assembly in complex functional carbon nanostructures. In September 2019 he received a Juan de la Cierva fellowship. Currently, he is a Postdoctoral researcher at IMDEA with Prof. Emilio M. Pérez.

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