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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Ahsan Ali

Position: PhD Student
Research: Ultrafast Science of Quantum Materials
Joining Date: March 2024
User Name: ahsan.ali

Ahsan Ali was born in Pakistan. His academic journey commenced at the University of Sargodha, (Pakistan) where he completed his bachelor’s degree in physics in 2018. He pursued his Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree in Physics at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan in 2022, a prestigious institution that is consistently ranked as the number one university in the country. His journey in physics led him to the National Institute of Lasers and Optronics (NILOP), Pakistan's foremost institute for laser research. There, he specialized in "Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy" and undertook a significant research endeavour with his thesis, titled "Discrimination of hydrated salt using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy." He joined IMDEA Nanociencia in February 2024 as a PhD student in the Ultrafast Science of Quantum Materials group led Prof Dr Allan Johnson. He likes to play cricket and Badminton in his free time and loves to travel to different places.