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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Miguel Esteban Lucía

Position: PhD Student
Research: Nanostructured Functional Surfaces
User Name: miguel.esteban
Telephone: 8869
Esteban Lucía

Miguel graduated in Biotechnology from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) in 2016. He started his scientific career in Auxiliadora Prieto´s Lab in CIB-CSIC, performing his bachelor thesis about Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus and its biotechnological application. He studied for a Master's degree in Industrial Biotechnology at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) in 2017, where he carried out his thesis under the supervision of Dr. Endzhe Matykina and Dr Enrique Martinez-Campos, studying the application of Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation to biodegradable alloys for regenerative applications. In 2018, he continued with a collaboration with the Polymer Functionalization Group (ICTP-CSIC) in thermosensitive hydrogels for cell culture and cell detachment. Currently, he is a PhD student working at IMDEA Nanociencia and the Severo Ochoa Centre for Molecular Biology (CBMSO) where his PhD work is focused on the study of the response of neural stem cells towards the physical stimuli imparted by nanostructured surfaces.