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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Dr. Carmen García López

Joining Date: November 2022
Telephone: 8838

Carmen obtained her BSc in Chemistry from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) in 2014. One year later, she obained her MSc in Organic Chemistry from the same university (2015). Afterwards, she joined IMDEA Energy Institute to develop her PhD, under the supervision pf Prof. Marta Liras and Prof. Víctor de la Peña (2016-2020). The research that she developed during this period was focused in the synthesis of conjugated porous polymers and their application as photocatalysts in Artificial Photosynthesis reactions, among others. In 2019 she performed a short stay at the Ludwig Maximilian Universität of Munich (LMU). She worked for 3 months in the development of Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs) in the group of Prof. Thomas Bein. In 2021 she got a postdoctoral position at the Georg-August-Universität of Göttingen, in the group of Prof. Manuel Alcarazo (2021-2022). She worked in the enantioselective synthesis of azabora-helicenes through gold-catalysed hydroarylation reactions.

Carmen was recently awarded a Juan de la Cierva grant (2021) and she joined IMDEA Nanociencia Institute as postdoctoral researcher. She forms part of the research group of Chemistry of Low Dimensional Materials, leaded by Prof. Emilio Pérez. Currently, her research interests are focused in the development of photoactive materials composed of organic dyes and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) for energy applications.