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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Dr. Jose Manuel Santos Barahona

Joining Date: May, 2014

José M. Santos Barahona graduated in Chemistry in 2005 at Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). He obtained his PhD in 2010 under supervision of Prof. Nazario Martín and Dr. Beatriz Illescas, Organic Molecular Materials Group at UCM, his thesis topic was fullerene based electroactive systems from both supramolecular and covalent approach; during his PhD he spent three months in a short research stay with Prof. James R. Durrant at Imperial College London familiarizing with transient absorption experiments. From 2011 until 2014 he was Postdoctoral Research Assistant with Prof. Martin R. Bryce in Durham University (UK), in this position he researched new deep-blue emitting copolymers for OLED and thermally activated delayed fluorescence materials (TADF). Since 2014 he moved to Madrid to join IMDEA Nanociencia to develop new materials with low band gap properties with Prof. Nazario Martín as postdoc researcher under the AMAROUT II program.