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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Sylwia Parzyszek

Research: Chemistry of Low-Dimensional Materials
ORCID: 0000-0003-1066-5738
Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.pl/citations?user=kvGJ9SIAAAAJ
Joining Date: January 2023
User Name: sylwia.parzyszek
Telephone: 8838

Sylwia Parzyszek obtained a certificate of chemical analyst technician from Technical School No. 4 in Puławy (Poland) in 2012. She obtained M.S. in Chemistry from Warsaw University (Poland) in 2017, developing metallic nanomaterials as SERS surfaces. During her studies, she completed internships at the Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Science, and Oporto University (Portugal). She continues her doctoral studies in physical chemistry in a group of prof. Wiktor Lewandowski in Warsaw, where her work is focused on the reversible self-assembly of semiconductor nanocrystals with liquid-crystalline matrixes as macroscale polarized light emitters.

In 2023 Sylwia joined the group headed by Dr. Emilio M. Pérez in the laboratory for Chemistry of Low-Dimensional Materials at IMDEA Nanociencia.