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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Dra. Silvia Miranda Alcazar

Position: Technician
Research: Chemistry of Low-Dimensional Materials
Joining Date: January, 2019
User Name: silvia.miranda
Telephone: 8832
Miranda Alcazar

Silvia Miranda obtained her bachelor and master degree in Organic Chemistry at Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). During this period, she joined the group of Prof. Antonio Garcia Martinez where she has acquired experience in the field of organic synthesis. Particularly, she has synthesized chiral ligands to perform asymmetric catalysis. In 2019, She received her PhD in Organic Chemistry from University of Alcala, Spain. She worked under the direction of  Drs. José Cristóbal López and Ana María Gómez (CSIC), where her work thesis focused in a carbohydrate chemistry area; paying special attention to the development of new methodologies in organic synthesis. In summer on 2013, she carried through a short stay in University of Bristol for 3 months, under the supervision of Dr. Carmen Galán.

Currently, She is part of  Dr. Emilio Pérez's “Low Dimensional Materials Chemistry” group to contribute her experience in organic synthesis, developing and supporting different synthetic projects.