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Effective visual communication for science

Dr. Jernej Zupanc
Seyens Ltd.
Friday, 28 February 2020 09:00

trainings effectivevisualcomm

The objective of the workshop is to understand the visual communication fundamentals and how to apply them to scientific figures, especially applied to project proposals.

Date: 28th February 2020, from 9 to 5pm
Sala Hinarejos (IMDEA Nanociencia)

Target group: Principal Investigators and senior Postdocs

Training content

  • Visual perception and what we humans find intuitive
  • Colors: how to amplify, not ‘fancify’
  • Visual organization: how to structure to simplify comprehension
  • Eye-flow: effortlessly guide the audience through the design
  • Typography: how to create legibility, structure and aesthetics
  • General design advice: approaches used by professional science illustrators
  • Project proposals: how to visually design documents to help the evaluators