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  • MULTICROM Steady-State and Time-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy of Multi-Chromophore Systems

MULTICROM Steady-State and Time-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy of Multi-Chromophore Systems

Prof. Johhanes Gierschner

MULTICROM  Steady-State and Time-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy of Multi-Chromophore Systems
    Funding : Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Programa Excelencia 2013-2016. CTQ2014-58801-C2-1-P
    Duration: 2015 - 2017
    36 months

Conjugated organic materials have become fascinating alternatives to traditional materials in light-energy and/or energy-information converter, due to their unique features. This concept is now taking the next crucial step, targeting supramolecular nanostructured strongly coupled multi-chromophore (two component) materials with unprecedented optical, electrical and/or magnetic effects by cooperative interaction. MultiCrom aims at an understanding of the optoelectronic function of such systems, relying on collaborations with academic and industrial partners from material science at IMDEA and abroad who are following different strategies for multi-chromophoric systems, as well as with (in-house) experts in thin film preparation and characterization and advanced x-ray techniques. All these strategies will be systematically explored by in-depth analysis of the optical and photophysical properties of the target systems through (polarized) steady-state and (fs to ms) time-resolved UV/Vis/NIR absorption and fluorescence techniques, and complemented by computational techniques. The strong interdisciplinary approach, together with the complementary expertise of the team and our state-of-the-art equipment is expected to yield well-defined design rules for complex conjugated multi-chromophoric materials for optoelectronic applications.
