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  • Dr. Paolo Perna

    PhD: University of Caen Basse- Normandie, France & University of Cassino, Italy
    Previous Position: CNR-SPIN,Italy
    Research: SpinOrbitronics
    ORCID: 0000-0001-8537-4834
    Researcher ID: C-3862-2012
    Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.co.il/citations?user=FL0BEO8AAAAJ&hl=en
    Joining Date: April 2009
    User Name: paolo.perna
    Telephone: +34 91 299 87 54

    Dr Paolo Perna is Senior Researcher and coordinator of the “SpinOrbitronics” research line at IMDEA Nanociencia, and is responsible of Laboratorio de Nanomagnetismo (Red+Lab282). Dr. Perna holds two PhD titles, in Physics and in Material Science (2008). From 2019, he is certified as Full Professor of Theoretical Physics of Matter and of Experimental Physics of Matter by Italian ASN (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale). He holds Certification I3 [I3/2021/1021, total score 10/10) by Ministerio de Universidades, Spain.

    Research Lines

    The group focuses the interests on solid state physics and material science of low dimensional magnetic materials, covering epitaxial growth, surface/interface and magnetotransport characterization, nanofabrication. In particular:

    1. Disentangling magnetoresistance responses in magnetic nanostructures: magnetization reversal vs.spin- dependent transport; magnetic anisotropies (in-plane vs. perpendicular); Magnetoresistive effects: AMR, GMR, CMR, Spin Hall effects; Symmetries and asymmetries of Spin-Orbit effects.
    2. Development of new hybrid (inorganic-organic) magnetic nanostructures: growth of artificial magnetic nanostructures; molecular spintronic and graphene-based magnetic nanostructures; exchange bias, spin valves, tunnel junctions, perovskite oxides.
    3. Functional oxide interfaces: high-k dielectric, half-metallic, ferroelectric and multiferroic perovskites.
    4. Polarization dependent element-resolved x-ray spectroscopy and microscopy studies: X-ray magnetic circular/linear dichroism, XMCD/ XMLD, & resonant magnetic reflectivity, XRMR X-ray photoemission electron micros- copy, magnetic holography imaging.

    paolo perna 1

    Video: https://youtu.be/-o-V-LtBFlo

  • Dr. Pablo Olleros Rodríguez

    ORCID: 0000-0003-0543-0176
    Olleros Rodríguez

    Pablo Olleros joined the Spinorbitronics Group in September 2022 as Postdoctoral Researcher. His research interests cover multiple aspects related to the exploitation of non-trivial spin textures for their use in next-generation computational devices as well as in schemes based on new computing paradigms such as neuromorphic computing and reservoir computing.

  • Dra. Iciar Arnay Ortigosa

    Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
    PhD: The European Synchrotron
    Research: Spinorbitronics
    ORCID: 0000-0002-3145-9071
    Joining Date: February 2020
    User Name: iciar.arnay
    Arnay Ortigosa

    Dr. Iciar Arnay is a postdoctoral researcher at the SpinOrbitronics group from February 2020. She is focused in the growth and structural characterization of magnetic stacks with an expertise in x-ray diffraction of thin films. She performed her PhD at The European Synchrotron, having a wide experience in the use of Synchrotron radiation covering a large number techniques.

  • Alejandra Guedeja Marrón

    Research: SpinOrbitronics
    ORCID: 0000-0001-5110-4369
    Joining Date: 2020
    User Name: aguedeja[at] ucm.es
    Guedeja Marrón

    Alejandra started her joint PhD between Complutense University of Madrid and IMDEA Nanoscience in 2020. Her research interest is focused on the study of spin-orbit interactions in low dimensional systems at atomic resolution views with advanced electron microscopy techniques. She is also working with high spatial resolution imaging, spectroscopy, and in-situ techniques, which have high spatial precision in determining the position of atoms (1 pm), to quantitatively study the material structure and correlate it to properties.

  • Inés García Manuz

    Research: SpinOrbitronics
    ORCID: 0000-0002-9182-9687
    Joining Date: 2022
    User Name: ines.garciam[at]uam.es
    García Manuz

    Inés García Manuz is a PhD student in the “SpinOrbitronics” research line at IMDEA Nanociencia and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid since July 2022. She´s working in magneto-optical and magnetoresistance characterization in complex oxides. She studied Physics and a Master in Nanoscience and advanced materials at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She has worked previously with electrodeposition to growth the nanowires with different doping levels and then, she characterized them with different techniques.

  • Raúl Solís León

    Research: SpinOrbitronics
    Joining Date: July 2023
    User Name: raul.solis
    Solís León

    Raúl Solís is a PhD student, whose thesis is focused on the optimization of AMR sensors based on La1-xSrxMnO3 (LSMO) and is being carried out in collaboration between IMDEA Nanociencia and the Laboratoire Greyc (Caen, France). He received his Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2020) and his Master´s degree in Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology, and Photonics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2021).